We know the past few weeks have been extremely stressful and thought our clients might enjoy a bit of levity. As many of you know, The Fiduciary Group is a pet-friendly workplace, where Malley serves as the firm’s Chief Morale Officer and Stella serves as the firm’s official Sentry.
We recently welcomed a new canine addition to the firm when Maggie – an adorable half-poodle, half-Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy – joined our team. Shanon Royal, our Chief Compliance Officer and Director of Finance, has brought Maggie to the office regularly.
As you may be aware, dog-friendly workplaces are on the rise because pets help to enhance the work environment and to create a happier work culture. Inc. magazine reports that bringing pets to the office contributes to a positive work environment by reducing stress, promoting positive social interactions and increasing employee performance.
We hope you will have the chance to meet Maggie once things are back to normal. We look forward to brighter days in the future and appreciate your support.