When public companies generate cash, they have a handful of options: park it in a bank account; reinvest in their business; acquire other companies; pay dividends; or repurchase their stock.
I recently had an older client with a significant net worth who spent most of his life in good health, but experienced a severe mental decline in his final years. Unfortunately, he never set up a trust to protect his assets, so it became challenging to look out for his best interests using only a...
We are excited to announce Michael R. McLeod has joined the team as the company’s new Senior Wealth Advisor and Director of Financial Planning. In his new position, McLeod is responsible for expanding the firm’s financial planning services and fostering life-long, wealth management client...
In coordination with this July's national retirement planning month, Julia joined WTOC Mid-Morning LIVE to give sound advice and tips on saving for retirement. Watch the interview here!