It all started with a small plot in a community garden. When I harvested my first bell pepper, I was hooked. After a few years bending over two planter boxes at ground level, I decided to “straighten up.” Literally, I wanted to stand up while I worked in my vegetable garden. With the help of Farmer...
From the end of 2017 through April, inflation has increased from +2.1% to +2.5% (using CPI as a proxy). Over the same period, the yield on ten-year Treasury bonds has risen from 2.4% to 3.0%. These moves have led market participants to question if a change in the status quo is underway. Let’s...
Teaching kids about money in the Digital Age isn’t always easy. Between online shopping, direct-deposit paychecks and banking by app, today’s children are growing up in a world where they may rarely experience a cash purchase or even a monetary transaction. To kids, it can look like the next item...